How to build a Standard Operating Procedure

How to build a Standard Operating Procedure

March 06, 20234 min read

How do you build a ‘Standard Operating Procedure’?

Many of our Trainer Revenue Multiplier clients reach a phase where they need to start to hire a team.

So what is the first step to getting your first person hired?

A standard operating procedure is a document that contains step by step information regarding one area and repetitive process of your business.  It’s documented for future reference, increasing efficiency and standardization purposes.  

Here are 4 reasons why you want to have an SOP in your fitness business. 

  1. Standardization - keeps business in full compliance 

  2. Helpful for new members who join your team - they onboard faster and have less questions

  3. Reduces internal authority issues - people know their role and can execute more effectively 

  4. Increases efficiency - things get done faster with less headaches 

    So how do you hire your first virtual assistant or first coach?

 I’m going to take you down a road of a few stages that you can dig into, to gain further insight on as you flesh out your SOP.  

First Question:

What low leverage activities do you do right now that you could hire someone else to do?

Examples - bookkeeping, accounting, invoicing, on boarding new clients, making new client files, helping assist running a Facebook group, developing graphics for your social media, editing videos, designing PDFs, assisting with client communication, posting content, etc. 

What are your high leverage activities?

Examples - building standard operating procedures for your team, creating content, sales calls, prospect follow up, networking and building relationships, building programs (that can be added to your program database), planning, building systems, learning and educating yourself, training your team, etc.

Now let's shift over to the main pieces of your SOP when you lay it out.  Below gives you a framework.

1 - Set Goals - Write 2 to 3 sentences.  

What are the goals of this specific SOP.   Examples: be more efficient, provide a better client experience, create more freedom for you to focus on more high leverage items, ability to attract more qualified leads and scale for more growth.  Set some goals! 

  1. Select a format.

*People - name and positions of the people involved in the process.  Define there roles, responsibilities and scope.   

*Process - Step by step details on how to implement the process, this is the main purpose of writing the SOP.

*Additional Documents - are there any reference materials that this person may need while reading your SOP.  Example, if you listed creating graphics for social media, have you provided links to where they can find your pictures, logos and brand details?  Also where can they find their SOP if they want to revisit it. 

*Communication - how can they reach you, what hours are you available, what will you help them with, when aren’t you available.  Do you have any communication guidelines like being kind, respectful and professional.  How can they give feedback, ideas or share things with you that may be uncomfortable to share.  

Few extra things to keep in mind:

What are your hours of operation?

Do you expect them to work weekends?

How will they get paid, how much and how often?

The next phase comes down to how you will keep things in order as you move forward.  You will need at minimum weekly 30 minute meetings to review tasks for the week, progress from previous week, questions that have arisen and further training on anything they may need clarity on.  

You will also need to schedule in some additional one on one training with them to ensure they fully understand what it is you are asking them to do.  Putting any SOP into motion always is a bit messy at the start, but once it's built, then test it, review it, are there any items within it that need to be updated.  The most difficult part after is keeping up with it, this is where the weekly meetings come into play to hold accountability into place. 

I would suggest daily communication regarding their progress for the day, so you can see first hand see how efficiently they are executing tasks, they may need some help, guidance or further training, that is all a part of the initial training phase. 

 Hope this served you! 

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