How to Build a Strong Personal Trainer Mindset

How to Build a Strong Personal Trainer Mindset

March 01, 202336 min read

How to Build a Strong Personal Trainer Mindset


He was a basketball player at the University of Massachusetts, but injuries forced him out of the game which led him into using medications to relieve his pain from injuries. Which also numbed him to the emptiness he felt without the game and eventually led to heroin use. He later became clean, made a massive shift in his life. Teamed up with John Kabat-Zinn to create the Inner-City Stress Reduction Clinic in early 90’s and currently, he is heavily involved in ID Child International. A non-profit organization providing cross-cultural health education and psychological services for children, families, and communities across the world.

When Michael Jordan left the Bulls, the team was in crisis and they wanted someone to teach mindfulness to a struggling team. Coach Phil Jackson, who was a mindfulness practitioner, part up with George and greatness began. He has worked with Phil Jackson. And many of the teams he has coached to become NBA champions with clients from the NBA like Michael Jordan, Kobe Bryant, Shaquille O'Neal, Olympians, top level corporate executives, and athletes from all kinds of sports.

He's also a best-selling author of his book “The Mindful Athlete”  which is a game changer. It has been a game changer in my life,and I know millions more across the world. I listened to his audio book multiple times. You can grab a copy for yourself on Amazon or your local bookstore “The Mindful Athlete”. Write that down guys in your journal and grab a copy today. With great pleasure I want to welcome to this show the mindfulness expert Mr. George Mumford.


Great to be here Mathew


Well thank you George. I want to say thank you for your time, you are quite a busy guy. I got to say your story is interesting, your background, what you've gone through, who you've helped in the industry of sports and life. Tell us a bit more George about your background and where you came from. More so in the element of coming from the University of Massachusetts to now working with the top teams in the NBA and NBA superstars of the game.


Yes, well basically when I was at the University of Massachusetts and that at the time, I was guess I was getting ready for the season, being a walk-on trying to make the team, and we used to work out recent work out with other varsity players and I got injured and that pretty much ended my career.

I got sidetracked, I didn't know who I was when I wasn't playing basketball and I got involved with pain medication, and then, you know, alcohol and drugs. Then fast forward in the years later, I was in the corporate world living a double life working during the day, getting high-at night and you know having that schizophrenic lifestyle.

And at some point, I got tired and I was in crisis and I decided okay, I was going to go into recovery. And coming out of recovery, I still had chronic pain and had not learned how to deal with it,so the HMR I was involved in introduced me to the stress management program taught by this woman called Joan Borysenko. She's well-known in the mind-body field. It was kind of an experimental group, I guess it was a study or whatever and I learned meditation and yoga and I also learned about reading certain psychology books.

So, I really became aware of my this sense of being mentally stimulated, so I started reading and meditating and doing all sorts of things and then I left the corporate world. And then I started studying mindfulness and doing a lot of silent retreats and everything. Then I started teaching, initially, to inmates in prison, and then when I connected with the Center for Mindfulness, which is called “Stress Reduction and Relaxation Program”, Jon Kabat-Zinn, then we opened the inner-city clinic and then we started working in prisons.

In the interim, Phil Jackson approached JonKabat-Zinn and said that he wanted me to come in. This was after the won their first three championships. He wanted me to come and help the guys deal with the stresses success and an interim Michael Jordan’s father got murdered and Michael didn't return so when I went to work with them as 23 years ago almost to the day in 1993 I went in and I worked with the Bulls and they were in full-blown crisis and so instead of going in to help him deal with the stress of success, I had to help them deal with the transformation of the team without Jodan.

So that began my relationship with Phil Jackson and 23years later we're still doing stuff. Know I'm working with a lot of different people and athletes, corporate executives, etc, but that's how it got going but to me, it was if I were to go back when I was in college that was probably the worst thing that could happen to me. But now when I look back at it was a blessing because it was through that struggle and difficulty that I was able to transform it and use that experience to help others and to transform my life using mindfulness.

And understanding that okay so first it was just dealing pain, dealing with chronic pain, then it became okay not only that I was able to manage the pain but now I started doing the introspection and starting to see what am I  who am I why am I here how can I be a service. And that whole process really helped me to help myself and it's interesting because when you want to learn something the best way to learn something is to teach it. Mm-hmm and so I've been teaching it learning it continues to evolve and grow there's no static point as an evolution I would say where I am now compared to where I was 23 years ago there's light years away. Because I continued to use the mindfulness and I'd call pursuing excellence and wisdom with grace and ease that's the game I’m playing right now so doesn't matter what venue or who I'm talking to you got a body in the mind this is available to you.


When you overcame those addictions and it pays off like obviously are something that plagued a lot of people in different areas of life. Social media, drugs, alcohol, you name it.  would you say mindfulness is in your eyes the one contributed help you overcome what you were dealing with to become the man you are today ?


Well it's interesting what mindfulness does I mean no matter what you're doing so obviously you know to trust that recovery was really helpful any kind of medical support from doctors or counselors or and then community you know having community having been involved in spiritual practice all of this stuff helps.

But at the end of the day, the only time we live is in this moment and so this moment sets up the next moment and it ripples that way so I'd say if there's one thing that you can do that can help everything else and make everything else easier and that being present for your life being in the moment, and being clear, about what is going on in your mind body and what you're engaged in and how you can adapt adjust to the changing unknown unfolding of the present moment.


So is there differences in how you practice mindfulness between an athlete and entrepreneur?


No it's because the via mindful entrepreneur and mindful athlete you have to be mindful person so you start off with your basic understanding of a moment the moment you know what am I doing why am I doing it what's the best way to do it you know how do I feel am I here or my focus on what's gonna happen in the future am i here am I worried about what didn't happen before. That it always comes as the same drill it is the same way of being which is to be with yourself from moment to moment internally externally and also being clear about your engagement with people places and things the environment relationship we have a network of relationships. So the best way to be in a relationship is to be yourself and understand self and other into being oriented  to be or they connected this illusion of separateness is just that so if you can be mindful enough to realize that every thought we have has consequence.

Hmm there's a consequence of my behavior that I am responsible for my happiness or my addiction or whatever it is and that once I choose to do something about it and in the mindfulness helps us to go from stimulus-response where there's no space to be or to transform a mindfulness in the process of paying attention and cultivating wisdom is to create space so within that space as Frankel says our freedom and power to choose and to transform so that's what it's about so yes so if it's a CEO or someone a manager then the real question is  Who am I you know and why am I here  what am I trying to accomplish and how can I be myself no matter where I go or what I'm doing hmm.

So I say it's the same for the executive as it is for the athlete and you always need to know your strengths and weaknesses so that you can play to your strengths. And that's it so it's not about it's really that simple it's really know so what's my game what's my leading  offer to good foot how can I be stable and confident and enthusiastic excited about the possibilities and then might bring in the right effort and the right emotion to what I'm doing. I mean it's pretty simple I mean as that make sense so  we could talk about the domain but the practice is the same because you have to be present and you have to know who you are you have to know what you're doing you have to have a certain level of information intelligence and understanding of what it is you're doing and how you're gonna be your best self or how can you get to the outcome you want.


Here's an application question because I noticed when I was researching and looking at ways you practiced meditation with players one that you had guys lying on the floor I haven't seen you sitting on a chair anything yet but I'm sure that's obviously an obvious practice standing like meditation can it be done any position possible?


Yes are you familiar with the philosopher Dr.  Dry ?


Sorry no I am not


Okay so he's a he's a hip-hop artist or he's a rapper and a line one of  of his songs is I  got my mind on money and money on my mind. Okay that's a form of meditation so whatever you hold in mind that grows in your experience so meditation is not just sitting in silence or the practice of mindfulness its mindfulness and all your posture standing sitting walking whatever you're in silence or in a activity that's it.  Can you be present can you be aware can you learn how to sometimes it's physical but sometimes it's thinking okay if you're playing you know in your sport ice hockey is big they're right so if you're a hockey player and you're defence man or a defense woman your idea to keep the person in front of you. You want to you know  denied penetration you want to close that under control you want to keep them on one side of the floor so that could be a direct effect C proxy man or whatever it is soccer same thing C ball C man basketball C ball C men so there's always the basic fundamental principles that just by thinking about it or having a thought of what you're doing it's directed direction  to where you want to go be here now it's okay you know move so there's a way of relating asking question and relating to your experience where it refocuses you or we you are getting restart or reset.


Okay so here's something because you've worked with a lot of basketball players you know professional athletes and Michael the best of the best and other Olympians and so forth I want to ask you a question about weightlifting and Olympic lifting my industry is bodybuilding in power lifting and at the highest level how would you teach mindfulness in that practice of sport?


Okay so I'm gonna I'm going to rely on Arnold Schwarzenegger. For that one ok everybody knows Arnold Schwarzenegger he is obviously bodybuilding you know that I remember him saying that one conscious lift is worth ten unconsciousness lift. So it's really about beating your body and feeling the activity as you're doing it but also you have in confidence and also just not entertaining any self-talk that has to do with can't do unless it's direct  yourself-talk like this is gonna be great you know you got this or you know push or you know it's okay so it's really more about like anything else it's like you if you if your present and your conscious and you just you have to figure out how to let your body do the work without you thinking about it because when you think about it if you're tired it's like let's just think about when you're tired a little you looks like a mountain yeah true same weight lifted if you think it's too heavy it is right about well I don't know sometimes it's better not to know it the way it isn't just go up there just lift it right. okay Is that make sense what I'm saying.


That makes sense and I want to work off of that very interesting what you're saying there George.

What if okay because obviously you know the brain pretty well from all the prior years of practice you've been doing in psychology and so forth so does it impede performance to have music listening to music when you're performing whether it's in the gym or whether it's on the field or the self itself-talk more powerful than the right kind of music can you explain that?


Yes sort of music so people are different so here's the thing. Some people if they have a DD or dyslexia or whatever some people like it having background music or they could even be you know could have A Spurge hmm whatever my way looking at it might think about the athletes and I work with all sports some of them like to warm up or forty getting and listening to music other people need silence I think it's more appropriate to what works for you what helps you to be more focused what helps you to get into your game mindset so it's that but when it comes time if you're performing you can't have the music on because you won't hear the instructions and you won't get  the audio because you need to get and press it just more noise and clutter when you perform you want no noise no clutter you want silence you want stillness you want  to come out of that quiet place within you want to come out of that place of rest so on some level music is one thing.  But the self-talk is always happening the question is whether you're aware of it or not ah ok have it be like background musician the restaurant where it is you know it's there but you're not you're not giving it energy you're not being distracted by it because that's the idea being distracted internally or externally the idea is to be able to ability to focus intensely and here and now and then expand so your duration of focus is expanded but you're seeing things and a lot of times even though you're not just seeing with the eyes you're seeing with all your sense doors you just know things and if you watch people especially baseball or whatever you can see the body moving towards the way the ball is going to go how is that possible sark the same thing it's like if you're a goal  you're reading the body language of the whoever doing the free-kick and your body is already moving but if you're thinking of you have music plan you're not present and so when you're present. In my book when I talk about the eye at hurricane so when you coming out of that eye at a hurricane even though there's all this turmoil going around you're in that center where it's quiet peaceful this ease and by coming out of that space you can see things and it's kind of a it's my kind of there's an innate intelligence in that silence and a lot of its based on your practicing performing your repetitions and everything but part of it is just being present and then trusting it's like you train your body then you got to get that mind out of the way so the body can just be is that make sense?


yeah that's very interesting so alright so are you saying that here's something I want to ask you so if a player is going on the court or going into the gym and they just have earphones in that kind of just I'm gonna say block all the noise out for quietness would you say that's actually probably more powerful and  into training your mind be present for the activity you would have?


You know to me I can only talk about what works for me personally yeah and for other people is different but I know this you can do all that stuff and you  know some people you can do it with the air phone sometimes the earphone just keeps you locked in and it there's a rhythm like a roommate they like to listen to music I used to help motivate him prep them up so the vibrations from the music and it can probably get you  know whatever your ritual is the ritual needs to be a ritual to gets you and ready to perform it gets you in that that performance mode that mindset will you perform better and so people have different rituals so I don't judge it it's up to the individual this is what's really exciting and really frustrating for people they want a can answer they want either this works that that works and I'm saying  you can talk about the content but it's the context in which is it's offered it also depends on the what works for the individual and this is where the that know thyself or self-awareness of it's really important because you have to know by trial and error what works what brings out your better self what helps you to be more focused that is something you have to that's  internal to you and only you know. But you can't you might emulate somebody else but at some point you got work for you and what I'm saying is when you're mindful and you're in that space and you're paying attention it'll express itself.


Right now I see you okay what would the what from your experience from the people you've worked with the best in the world you know the Kobe's the Dishabille's the Michaela the Olympians the you know those top athletes what do they tip what do you find is the consistent factor that they're doing to get into the zone before a game is it music is it silences a meditation what did you find is the consistency?


All of the above . But at the same time once you step on the court if you watch specially basketball and you watch them when it when the national anthem is being played you know that their eyes sometimes their eyes are closed some people can have the eyes opened but they're just locked in and especially when it comes to Championships and whatever you can see some people did demean or totally changes when this is really important again you could tell by their mindset that they're there at another level because there's always different levels that one needs to go to and how that is expressed or exhibited like there's a famous You tuber Kobe playing against the Boston Celtics in 2008 and he's sitting at the quarry he is sitting in a bench and Chris Rock and James Barde trying to engage and interact with him when Kobeis just great focusing for not letting that in at all and that's that's when you're locked in you just able to block out everything else. And this is what's really invaluable you know you training and being a bodybuilder you got to be focused on the weight and you got to be focused on what you're doing you can't be looking around and you could injure yourself if you lose contact you know if you don't have a coordinated whatever you're doing it whether you're you know doing this and just you have to know that you have to be locked in.  You have to be present you can't be distracted.


So what's the first thing you tell you tell me? If I came Mr. George what would you tell me if I was going into some record weight lifts like a dead squat and bench and what would you say to me first thing you tell me Matt I want you to practice this to really get yourself into that best you know state or you know position to really perform at your best


Yeah well I have to know you a little better you have to tell meI probably asked you what do you notice when you've had your best performance.


O okay


As you reflect back on it you have film when you have tape on it okay you see yourself doing it but what will you feel and see because  it always comes down to what you think what you feel what you do so if you want to be a champion you got to think like a champion you got to feel like a champion you have to behave like a champion.


Wow that was powerful Wow George.


So the thing that's really important in the self-talk should any self-talk that is taken away or taken away from your confidence needs to be discontinued and replaced with positive self-talk this make really directive is telling you but it's also telling you what the outcomes gonna be it's gonna be great and it's gonna feel so great when because we know this you can hold certain if you're a certain mindset we call kinesiology. When you're and when you have positive thoughts or you think about something that's life-sustaining or firming it makes you stronger so happier when you're optimistic when you have enthusiasm you have more energy and your life system the life energy is moving to you you're gonna be able to move more ways you're gonna be able to tolerate more pain you're gonna be able to have more compassion more patience for what's going on because that energy is giving you that space but it's also giving you a sense of well-being of security of confidence which you know that's huge man you can't replace that when you feel like you know you got this and you know it's gonna be a great day it's gonna be a great day.


Wow this is cool

Okay so George would you still suggest to me Matt you know spend 50, 20 minutes doing meditation or mindfulness practice  regardless to ensure that you know you're in a conscious aware a state ?


Yeah but it's not only just being in the conscious of where state you want to practice so when you in competition whatever you're in your body you just take one in-breath one out-breath and you're right there okay so part of it is having the mindset so if you do in the morning you go through the day with this ease with this rhythm or whatever some people are night people sort of having them one is yet night so they might meditate at night so you have to figure out but it's real and it's not just sitting in silence is sitting and reflecting on what am I doing what is my goal so if your goal is to lift a certain amount of weight then you got to reflect on what's the process that gonna get you there so you have to have an intense burning desire with the intention of succeeding. And then doing all of the skills knowledge and development work so you think of the process as learning practicing and performing so you run then you practice it you do your skill development you know you build up you just don't lift you doing other things so that you can lift technique is really important mindset is important tactical is important how you know strategy is important all that stuff's important so you do all that stuff before so then when you step up to do whatever you do there's nothing there but you and your body and then all that stuff you let all of that training you do express itself but if you're thinking about it then like I say all the time if you're focused on how you're doing you're not focused on what you're doing.


Wow so what you're saying is all that work before is basically the programming of the nervous system so when you go into the game it just happens


like it's a automatic you don't have to think about it


Wow that t really hit home that's really powerful that makes so much sense.


And here's the funny thing about it you've done this before.




I just reminded you and when you go back there you said yeah that worked yeah that makes sense you get what I'm saying - a big part of mindfulness like people say to me all the time here's how they characterized me I have a tremendous grasp of the obvious okay


Yeah a tremendous grasp of the obvious oh wow that's interesting you know we have this baseball player passed away last year Yogi Berra he said you can see a lot just by observing so that's  the key the key is how do we just watch you know because we learned by trial and error so we had to create disability being critical in our observation so that we're not identified with what's happening but we're observing it and we're seen in a way so we learned from it but part of the challenges you may have to see it thousands of thousands of times before you get it.


Wow so ok are you saying this is actually visualization then?


If your visual to be that way I'm kin aesthetic so it'll be a feeling and I'll get that when I do it right now you know your visual you'll see it if your auditory it will sound right so the first thing that knows how do you learn what's your motives for taking in information.


Ok that's a fact man that's a good question George my goodness.


This is where the self awareness keeps coming back for the self knowledge extremely important.


My number one would be visual


Okay so you visualize it and so you visualize it and you visualize itbut here's what you do when you visualize this different kinds of visualization.


But can I see and I say one thing no George I still struggle though with staying focused though during the visualization Ok sorry to cut you off I'm sorry.


That's why you can't just jump into visualization you got to be mindful and have a positive mindset so that you're able to visualize and be present see because if you're distracted by too much desire or too much just content you're not you're not present so you gotta you got to make peace with all that stuff so you step up and you know so one way to look at it is would say to you what do you call the places at the gym will you do your work?


My place is in the place where nobody is Ok


But I mean that physically will you will you do your weight training or whatever you do?


It's always in a squat rack


O so that place is the place of enlightenment


Oh wow


So if I was a basketball player it would be the court if I was a soccer player it would be the pitch




It would be the diamond you know the baseball diamond so if I'm gonna feel so you say this is the place of enlightenment this is the place where you can let go all that stuff this is your sacred space this is a sacred space so all this stuff everything from yesterday's history everything tomorrow mystery everything you is right now right here right now you come in you forget about everything and you need to be fully engaged in what you're doing in that moment and that's joy in and of itself.


Oh my goodness joy this is so powerful Wow I'm almost speechless I think you should run this podcast show.


Because I can keep going but I think I give you enough to the  on for a little bit that was in black so the book so my book you got I would suggest that you read it multiple times and the chapters are set up so like say if you're feeling not a lot of confidence you might focus on the chapter on trust if you are kind of your effort is too sluggish or is too intense you might focus on  the concentration piece and the effort piece and then if you're and if you're cynical like I said you do the trust but then if you become quality interest then you got to go to insights you got to balance all of those spiritual powers that's what your power comes from and that's where you start to be able to balance your effort with poise your faith with insight okay and mindfulness is the key mindfulness tells you got you do it using too much effort not enough poise or calm or you got too much poison comedy your sluggish you need to bring more effort in it yeah you know what I'm saying?


Yeah I read too


I wrote the book and I read it multiple times I look at chapters each time and go over it's called circular learning you'll pick up a little something because you're different it's different you and you're needed different and so you'll pick something out so become the book become as a meditation huh so a lot of people read it once though I got that noit's not like that and you read it wonderful but then you keep going back to okay this is what I want to enhances you go to that chapter and you read that but the mindfulness is what covers everything you get you got to learn howto be like water okay Bruce Lee says you just go with the flow because water that's how it wears down rock and everything is just you just steady you just move okay so you go around this way life so something to you accept it and then you move with it huh with it but that's why it's important for you to know who you are how you operate and what you want that's it that's so that's the first question I'm gonna ask you if when I work with people what do you want


Hmm you asked me a question right now George


So that's the thing because you begin with the end of mine so you see it like my professors told means graduate school if you see it you can hit it.


well I gotta say like when You're bang on I listen to your audio book five times already in the last three weeks I keep going through it infarct the first time it was one point five speed night to slow it down to one because it is I listened to a lot studbooks I'm not even gonna lie here and I'm being open is that it's all the listeners that are listening here is to go on I tunes and buy it right now is that it's something that everything you teach and you  discuss in that book has substance to it you just can't whiz through it you got to like take it in like I'll go to the gym I'll put it on for 20 minutes under the car I'm learning you know for 20 minutes  your and I'll go back there's the samething over again that's why I like I think it doors in the show because I gotta learn from this guy and share with the listeners because he's just so knowledge ball and your book has so much substance beyond just one chapter every substance


yeah III it amazes me on my stuff I got in it I know I was like shocked but it's like everything else so  what happens I have a practice I teach a lot so I have poly hundreds of digital recordings right and so I'll do something I'll record it and then I'm gonna calm listening to it and I said yeah that's pretty good where did that come from so is what I'm telling you so where there is just flowing I'm not trying to do anything I'm allowing what's there to come out and I have no idea what's gonna come out but it's gonna be good I can tell you that.


I want to ask this question to you what's one thing that you've never shared on an interview before that I could ask you right now that you want to share on this interview. Can I put you on the spot George?


No you're not putting me on the spot because I'm gonna turn it right back around to you and that is what is the answer that question from your vantage point about me yeah you're asking me but maybe you're really asking yourself.

Hmm I'm not even sure to answer that question.


Yeah the best way to answer that is just not to try to do anything and just let whatever comes come so that's my answer.


That's your answer?


I will give you an example I was at this this Twas given a presentation and they asked me what book would I recommend was the most influential book that I ever read now let me set this up so I've been in recovery 32 years I've averaged over per year over 32 years sometimes I read multiple books like this summer I had ankle surgery I probably read 30 books okay so when they asked me was the most influential book the Bible came out I wasn't expecting that to come out came out and then later I realized yeah okay that makes sense you know I was grew up southern path a Southern Baptist so I had to go to school every Sunday school every Sunday church every Sunday 12,14 or so and so things would come up so he still didn't know asking I shall be given to you  should note by their fruit seeking he shall find a double minded man is unstable in all his ways as man think of so is he you get my drift and was exciting about that is you don't have to travel with that one you go to the hotel they got one in the so that's what I'm saying I didn't expect that answer but that's what came out.




So  that's the thing so it's not just one thing it depends on the situation and you ask question and it and it will come out ofthe question without me knowing it's gonna come out that way but once it comes out I that's why I record everything say well that was pretty good I like that one that's a keeper you know what I'm saying? So I know we gotta end but  does  that answer your question ?


That does answer my question.


You should have to be the same thing so what does that mean that means you have to pay attention to what you say and trust it you have those nuggets those diamonds that are gonna come out when you don't expect it just by you just being present and just allowing whatever there to express itself


Huh okay someone I'm gonna share now what is kind of rising up for me when you ask that question because you asked it to me here so for me it's  an aspect of Have this big vision this big goal and I feel that I'll be a little selfish right now George okay then you know I really wanted to bring you on this show to actually learn from you personally mom more than my shirt of listeners actually and you know because I'm going for something in my life that is a bit scary like when it comes to performance level it's a world level lifts and it's scary sometimes because I feel that I'm not doing everything I should be doing to make it possible when I know than I should like not everything should be doing that I sorry I'm not doing everything I should be doing to make it completely 100 percent possible and I don't I don't know the answer to what I am NOT doing that's my question? That's what came up for me I'm just sharing with you that kind of all being very vulnerable with you.


Okay yeah got it so this guy in case he was a sleeping prophet one things he said was do it Dow hat you know to do and the next step will be given to you hmm so see you have ideas about what it takes yeah  but here's the thing I always sago back to basic fundamentals and master the fundamentals and you'll be funny that's what's amazing you got to do is stop thinking about the fact that you may not be because if you think that way that's what you're creating so instead of thinking that way why not just focus on what you want to do that I'm ready for this it's going to be exciting and it's gonna and I'm and I'm gonna have a peak performance or whatever it is you want focus on that have that be your inner dialogue have that be your thought process because is this guy Earl Nightingale said we've become what we think about yeah of course well what said the Bible as a Main Thing if so I see so you get what I'm getting so to you is very you got to start looking so with mindfulness that question is not the focus it focuses that there's doubt in the mind




What you guys see when thou is in the mind what is there so you can look at it don't can paralyze you but the other thing about doubt is if you take interested in curiosity and look at it this lesson there's something for you to get this telling you what you need to know more about or learn more about so what is missing isn't knowing the question to ask there's a question being asked and when you know the question when you ask the question you know the answer they're both two sides of the coin so you have to enquirer and say well what is  this down is coming why is that doubt is telling me that that this tonight there's more information I need more Skills or something I need to get so if I ask that question in silence that it will come to me what and even if it doesn't just do what I know to do to stay with basic fundamentals and then when it does come you already fundamentally sound and that'll just be icing on the cake.


Huh wow I could sit here and talk to you for hours during.


But you get what I'm saying so you get that  and here's it funny thing about this I have no idea what you're gonna ask and I have no idea what I'm gonna say yeah okay but I know it's gonna be good but that's that's what I'm asking you I'm suggesting to you too is you do your training you do everything you do every you know dog the i's and cross the but then when the kind comes just be present and allow what you've learned and practice to express it so


Hmmm powerful okay thank you George.

good one so if you could if you want to send me a copy of this or whatever you can do oh it's gonna be live on on a podcast show as well send me what it's gonna be on I will and I want everyone on here listening guys to go check out George's book the mindful athlete  if you have your phone right now grab your phone and buy the e-book or not thee-book the audio book on iTunes right now it's trust me guys it'll be worth every penny you spent or the book on Amazon or a local bookstore George thank you so much for your time I just really appreciate every word you've expressed and kindness you venerated and for myself and also listener so thank you George.


Okay you're welcome Mathew have a good one man you guys all have a great day guys thanks again.

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